On September 28, the MNW Ladybug general meeting and program were held at the beautiful home of Pat Pickett.  Co-hostesses, Carol Cope and Beckie Massie, prepared and served a wonderful and delicious array of refreshments that was enjoyed by all.  Ladybug Betty DeJarnett complemented the table with a lovely floral arrangement. The Ladybugs then had their program, “Planting a Winter Garden”, with Vivian Pollock presenting.

President, Evelyn Chovanec, then called the first meeting of our new year to order. The Ladybugs’ Board Meeting was held on September 7 at Mary Czaplewski’s lovely home.  Our next meeting will be on November 16 with the program on Pumpkins, Squash and Gourds by Corrie Ten-Have. 

The Ladybugs always welcome guests and new members.  For information about joining the Ladybug Garden Club, please call Membership Chairman, Kathy Dodge, at 281-386-8410 or email kwdodge@yahoo.com.