2016 MNW HOA Board of Directors Election Results

Posted by Jay Jackson

Jay is the Memorial Northwest HOA President. Jay has been on the HOA board since 2016 and has served as an Area Director, 1st Vice President and currently the President.

The election for the contested positions on the MNW HOA BOD was concluded on October 3, 2016 and the results were announced at the Membership meeting at 7 PM on October 4, 2016.

Unfortunately, turn-out was low with only 154 ballots cast. However, a big ‘THANK YOU’ to those homeowners who took the effort to participate. Of the 154 ballots cast, not all voted for both of the two contested positions. Thus, the final tally for each office is a tad less than 154.

The official results of the election are:


Jamie Deloatche                  106 votes
Troy Spencer                                    35   “


Judy Gordon                                     116 votes
Hana Taha                                    24   “
James Tran                                    11   “

Congratulations are in order to Jamie and Judy and a very big thanks Troy, Hana and James for volunteering to run for the offices and the responsibilities involved. We urge Troy, Hana and James (and all homeowners) to become active in the neighborhood by volunteering for any of the several committees currently active in the administration of the HOA. A call or e-mail to Greg Schindler, President, would yield more information on these committees and opportunities available.

Finally, in the uncontested positions, three current Board members volunteered to serve another term and two members volunteered for uncontested positions. These are:

Secretary: Michelle Eubank, Current Board Member
Area 1 Director: Alan Blankenship, New Board Member
Area 3 Director: Gerome D’Anna, Current Board Member
Area 5 Director: Bryan Thomas, Current Board Member
Area 7 Director: Vincent D’Anna, New Board Member

Our heartiest congratulations and thanks to these Board members.