Spring is close at hand with the evidence being redbuds, ornamental pear trees, and azaleas in bloom. The bareness and drabness of winter will soon be over, and many of us will turn our attention to doing whatever we can to add more color to our yards. One way you can do this without driving to many of the area nurseries is to come by the plant sale held by the Ladybugs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on March 28th at the Community Center. There will be a variety of plants for selection to meet just about any of your needs.
Simultaneously, we will have our annual Easter Egg Hunt on March 28th from 10 a.m. to noon on that Saturday. For those who attended last year, we will have much of the same agenda, and I’m confident that our children will enjoy it just as much. One of the things that makes these events a success are the number of volunteers that devote both their time and efforts. I urge you to consider doing so; and if you are so inclined, please contact Ann Kidney at the Community Center. It is never too late to offer a helping hand.
The Board has voted to form a committee to address the needs and desire of the homeowners concerning the swimming pool and/or other amenities. This committee will constitute both board members and homeowners, and a majority of the committee will be homeowners. They will solicit input from a variety of sources in the course of their work. The results of their work will ultimately be presented to all homeowners for their consideration. This will be accomplished by both a general homeowners meeting to fully explain the committee’s report as well as an opportunity for each homeowner to voice their preferences for any recommended course of action. The committee will be formed prior to the next board meeting. Contact information for the committee will be provided so any homeowner may express their views. The committee will not have a deadline for completing their work, but we can reasonably expect it to be concluded in sufficient time to permit any potential work on the existing pool to be completed prior to the 2016 swimming season.
As I write this article, I’m disappointed to report that we are in the middle of making approximately $4,000+ in plumbing repairs for a restroom in the tennis court area. These repairs are necessary because some users of the facility ignored the cautionary signs about flushing items in the toilet. As a result, the pump was completely clogged and the motor burned out. We plan and budget for replacement of items based on their expected life-cycle, but we cannot anticipate these types of repairs. We will put up additional signs but, ultimately, the real solution is for everyone to adhere to the printed signs.
For card aficionados, there is now a poker night at the club. If you are interested, please contact Ann Kidney or Tim McWilliams and they can give you some additional information.
We are also taking steps to make our website more current and representative of the interests of our homeowners. I think you can expect to see additional information in both written and graphic forms in the weeks and months ahead.
Roy May
MNW Board President
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