Board Member Nominations for 2023

The Memorial Northwest Nomination Committee has formed for the 2023 election cycle, and Cat Persino is Chairing the effort.  Many thanks to residents Ykeshia Davis, Kevins Scott, Nikki Smith, Connie Shinaver and Ryan Aduddell for volunteering their time toward this endeavor!

The positions up for candidate nomination are:

  1. Third Vice President (Deed Restrictions & Architectural Control)
  2. Treasurer
  3. Secretary
  4. Area 1 Director
  5. Area 3 Director
  6. Area 5 Director
  7. Area 7 Director

Term for these volunteer positions is 2 years and expires Dec. 31, 2024.  For the Area Director positions, you must reside in the area you serve.  The HOA Board meets once per month — the 1st Tuesday of each month from 7pm to 9pm (roughly).

While we would like to have nominees secured by Friday, August 19th, the call for nominations will close end of day Friday, August 26th.  That said, during the Sept. 6th HOA Membership Meeting, we will take nominations from the floor.

If you are interested in serving on the HOA Board please use the form below.

If you have questions related to these positions, please reach out to me or any member of the Nomination Committee. You may also read the MNWHOA bylaws for more descriptions about these position responsibilities. MNW-By-Laws-Re-Stated-12-02-12.pdf (

Anyone can get involved by volunteering yourself, or identifying/approaching people you think would be well suited for the position.  Thanks, Neighbor!