Feb 11, 2025 | Neighborhood News
The Memorial Northwest Ladybugs Garden Club is offering a $1,500 scholarship to a deserving high school senior who will graduate in May/June 2025. To be eligible for the scholarship, you must be a resident of Memorial Northwest and planning to enter college, vocational school or trade school after graduation. This is open to private schools and homeschooling seniors in addition to Klein High School seniors. You may email Ljra1297@me.com to get an application, or, if you are a KHS student, visit the College and Career Center’s “List of Scholarships” on your school website and download the application. Deadline for all applications to be turned in is 12:00 PM noon on April 16th. We look forward to hearing from eligible students who wish to apply!
Nov 9, 2024 | Neighborhood News
The MNW Board of Directors has approved the move of the pickleball courts to Tennis Courts 3 and 4.
This work is scheduled to start on the 11/17/2024. We are expecting 5 days where access to the pickle ball courts and 2 tennis courts to be unavailable.
This work includes repainting and striping the courts 3 and 4 to become exclusively Pickleball courts and the current pickleball courts will be converted back to Tennis courts.
Pickleball has become very popular with as many as 50 people per night at the courts. Our primary goals with the relocation of the pickleball is to reduce noise and light pollution, improve security, improve safety, and promote pickle ball by making it more visible.
Sep 29, 2024 | Neighborhood News
The political season is on us and there is no escaping it no matter how much you may try. Please know that that your governing documents do reference Political Signs in section 29 of the Architectural Committee Guidelines. A screen shot of section 29 is shown below and you can download the entire document from https://mnwhoa.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/MNW-Architectural-Control-Committee-Guidelines.pdf

In Summary
- Signs may only be placed on your own property. You may not display a sign in the county right of ways, the esplanades, or any other common area.
- Signs may only be put out 90 days before the election and must be removed by the 10th day after the election.
- You may have multiple signs but only one sign per candidate or ballot item.
- Signs must be ground mounted. This means it cannot be on the house, on the roof, on the fence, in a tree, on a lamp post etc. If you have a banner attached to your house, you are not incompliance.
- Signs may not be made of roofing material, siding, paving materials, flora, or have ballons or lights in any manner. Theye may not be on a tree, a traffic control device, a light or light pole, a trailer, a vehicle, or any other structure.
- You may not paint the signs on your property or any structure.
- The sign may not be larger than 4′ x 6′
- No music or other sounds and they cannot be disruptive to drivers.
- Please review the document for more information.
The HOA is a non-political organization and does not care who you are promoting. The HOA has for a login time supported and continues to support your right to display your support for your causes during the election cycle. Please keep your political signs in compliance with the published guidelines and hope the best candidates win.
You may also want to read the flagpole guidelines (Section 17) if you have a flagpole in your yard. Political flags are not protected by the Flag Code. The United States Flag, The Texas Flags and Military Flags are examples of protected flags.

Sep 11, 2024 | Neighborhood News
Because of the conflict with National Night Out we have decided to move the HOA Membership Meeting and Board Meeting to October 8th.
Sep 7, 2024 | Neighborhood News
MNW has emerged from the clean-up from Beryl for most homeowners. The county’s clean-up operations are winding down. At the end of September, the management company will resume inspections for debris and damaged fences. If you still have storm debris, you must call the county to schedule the pickup. The regular trash service cannot collect storm debris.
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