Dec 1, 2021 | Men's Tennis, Neighborhood News, Tennis, Women's Tennis, Youth Tennis
🎾 Inaugural Memorial NW Junior Tennis Team Tryouts🎾:
Novice, Intermediate, & Experienced Junior Tennis Players can sign up to be a part of the Inaugural BTA/Memorial NW Junior Tennis Team. Spots for tryout are now available, and, a few have filled spots on the Team. The JUNIOR TEAM will mainly compete, year round, in the United States Tennis Association (USTA) Junior Team Tennis Program beginning in January 2022. There will be an Orange Ball, Green Dot Ball, and Junior Elite Team. Additional Tournament Competition will also be with Universal Tennis (UTR), and, local club competition. This Program will improve school team play. First tryouts date will be Saturday, December 11, 2021, from 10:00am to 1:00pm. Drinks/light snacks will be available.
Racket Stringing Services & Tennis Pro Shop:
Mondays between 7:30pm and 8:00pm & Tuesdays/Thursdays between 11:30am and 12:00pm, Residents/Guests can drop off tennis rackets, with Coach Michael, to be restrung at the Tennis Pro Shop. Turnaround time is within 24-36 hours, and same day RUSH, add $10. Also, the new Tennis Pro Shop will soon be fully operational for retail of tennis balls, racket accessories, beverages/sport’s snacks, and Racket Sponsorship (TBD).
Tennis Birthday Parties & Adult Tennis and Pickleball Social Mixers:
Looking for something different for your children’s Birthday Parties? Coach Michael can Host & Facilitate a Tennis Birthday Party for up to 10 children in a 2.5 hour tennis party. There is also a professional cake artist who will design a custom cake and cupcakes (optional) for your party. The Caker’s website is Same for Adult Tennis/Pickleball Social Mixers…Coach Michael can Host a Tennis/Pickleball Play Day Mixer with light dinner/brunch & beverages, while everyone enjoys friendly match play.
Men’s Singles & Doubles Challenge Ladder/Tournaments:
New Men’s Tennis Program that will deliver competitive, weekly match play & monthly tournaments. Coach Michael will facilitate & schedule Ladder Matches. This program will also be tandem for UTR Match Play Tournaments.
For more information or to sign up, please text/call Coach Michael at (832) 545-0494, or email at
Open Registration for the 2021 Holiday Junior Mini Tennis Camps. Guests are invited for a $10 non resident fee. Classes are First Come/First Serve basis, with limited spots.
- Red/Orange Ball (ages novice/experienced 6-9), Monday to Thursday, 8:00am to 10:30am, $140 per student (10% discount on next siblings or one guest), or $40 daily, 8 STUDENTS MAX
- Junior Elite (ages experienced 9 and up/school team tennis), Monday to Thursday, 10:30am to 1:30pm, $160 per student (10% discount on next siblings or one guest), or $50 daily, 10 STUDENTS MAX
For more information or to register for Holiday Mini Camps, please call/text Michael Caeg at (832) 545-0494, or email at
Oct 12, 2021 | Neighborhood News
HOA Board Member Election Results
The results of the election for the Area 2 and Area 4 directors positions are as follows:
Area 2: Catherine Persino
Area 4: Kelley Minor
A big thank-you to all our homeowners who came forward offering to serve Memorial Northwest. The minutes of the membership meeting can be found at:
HOA Meetings | Memorial Northwest Homeowners Association (
Sep 30, 2021 | Neighborhood News
Voting is underway for the positions of Area 2 and Area 4 directors. One can drop off
their ballot at the clubhouse until 2:00 p.m. Monday, October 4, 2021.
2022-ballot.pdf (
Following are the bios that each candidate prepared to introduce themselves to you.
Area 2 Director
Catherine Persino
My name is Catherine Persino, and I am putting myself forward as a nominee for
Area 2 Director.
My parents moved to MNW from overseas almost 25 years ago, and our family
moved to the neighborhood 8 years ago. My husband and I have 2 boys, ages 9
and 4, and we love our neighborhood. We’ve actively participated in all the Easter
festivities, Christmas festivities (our MNW Santa is LEGIT!), Food Truck Fridays,
4th of July parades/contests/festivities (our son placed in the decorating contest a
few years back!), Pool Opening ceremonies, Trunk or Treat decorating, and
more. When our neighborhood was voting for the next “version” of our
community pool, I hit the streets knocking on doors and advocating for the great
Aquatic Center we have today. We love our community, and I love the idea of
taking it a step further to not only be a participating resident but a contributing
member to the betterment of our neighborhood.
I am in the Human Resources Professional by trade and have over 20 years of
experience. Based on what I have learned about the Area Director role, I may have
a complimentary skillset based on my profession. Many times, I am the objective
intermediary between leadership and employees, working to strike a balance
between what is fair and reasonable to the employee while representing the best
interests of the company as well. I generally assume the best intentions and give
people the benefit of the doubt. That said, there are standards and expectations that
must be met on both sides, and sometimes this requires a firm action and
response. I am comfortable taking that stance.
Thank you for taking the time to read this quick blurb on me. In summary, I hope
you will consider me for the Area 2 Director position. I am excited about the
possibility of learning and serving on the HOA Board!
Thank you for your consideration.
Catherine Persino
Area 2 Director
Celine Ruffino
I live in MNW with my husband and 3 children. I work in quality at a plasma
donation center. My objective as an Area Director is to help our neighbors deal
with their day-to-day issues, and represent their voices on the Board.
Best regards,
Area 4 Director
Kelley Minor
Kelley Minor and her family have been members of the Memorial Northwest
community since 2006. She previously served on the Board as Area 4 Director, but
stepped down when a change of employment and the resulting travel left her
unable to attend Board meetings. Now in a new position, she hopes to continue her
support of the MNW community.
Kelley is a solution engineer for a cloud software company and enjoys using her
problem-solving skills in everyday life. In her spare time, she loves to scuba dive,
travel, tend to her collection of tropical plants, and spend time with her family,
including a daughter heading off to college next year.
Area 4 Director
Mike Siegel
Mike & Hellena have been residents of Memorial Northwest for over 30 years. We
have raised all three children here and now have a grandson that can enjoy the
facilities with us.
Mike has two digital marketing businesses: one that he started 18 years ago and
another that was started 2 years ago. He is also on the Board of Directors of the
National Business Development Association – an organization that he helped to
found over ten years ago. He has also been on the Board of the American Institute
for Catalan Studies for over 25 years. Mike has a BS in Chemical Engineering
from the University of Texas at Austin and an MBA from the University of
Houston. He is active in the Greater Houston Partnership and is a mentor for U of
H business students.
As area director I will be mindful of the concerns of the residents of my area and
be responsive to their requests on a timely basis. I would act as the conduit to the
Board and ensure that every resident is treated equally ensuring that the rules and
regulations are followed equally by all residents.
Sep 28, 2021 | Neighborhood News
We enjoyed a wonderful pool season and cannot wait to see you all back next Summer.
Sep 15, 2021 | Neighborhood News
We are happy to announce the reopening of the Lap Pool for use, those hours are Monday through Sunday from 4:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. This access is available to adults 18 and up only with an Authorized Adult Swim Waiver on file with the Manager at the Community Center.
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