
Looking for Ladies to play Singles!

The Ladies Monday Night Tennis Team needs a lady to play singles for our team of ladies who play on the NHTA league, Monday nights. League stars in September and the format is 1 line of singles and 4 lines of doubles. You must be out of high school and live in...

How to steal a Set in Doubles

1. In the eight game of a set you lead 4 games to 3, apply pressure on the big point(s) to win the game. 2. Then speed up the tempo of the match . In step one , you capitalize on the pressure inherent in the moment with pressure tactics . The elements of surprise and...

Tennis Tip

Tennis Tip

Hit & Recover By Gilberto Arcay MNW Tennis Director Gilberto Arcay is available for private lessons at your MNW tennis courts. Contact Gilby at 281-799-5021for details. Using small steps and a well place chair or cone can help your baseline movement become more...