Neighborhood News

Assume Good Intent

Assume Good Intent

Technology has made it possible to instantaneously connect everyone, just about everywhere at any time. Today we seem to communicate less and less as we seem to be forced to be brief and to the point. We live in a world where 140 characters in a tweet motivate many...

Anxiety in Governance

Anxiety in Governance

Last month I had an opportunity to present the Fundamentals of HOA Governance to several Board Members and Home Owners at the Community Center. The intention is to equip individuals on how an all-volunteer organization functions under Federal and State laws and our...

Channel Erosion Repairs on Dry Gully

Channel Erosion Repairs on Dry Gully

In an effort to keep you informed about the Harris County Flood Control District’s continuing improvements in the Dry Gully and Cypress Creek watersheds, we want to notify you of an upcoming project in your area. The mailing sent by Harris Country Flood Control is...

New Scanning System at Clubhouse

New Scanning System at Clubhouse

Our biometric scanning system has been replaced with a new system.  It will be necessary if you were scanned before September 1, 2016 to get your fingerprint rescanned. You can get rescanned during the regular scanning hours.  Note there is no scanning on Mondays....



The purpose of the Memorial Northwest Home Owners Association is to preserve property values and enhance the quality of life. If you google “quality” looking for methodologies or how to control, you will get a lot of content on this very subject. We can find the...

Keeping Our Neighborhood Tidy

The appearance of your home is important to your neighbors and prospective MNW Homeowners. Remember that trash and yard clippings should be placed on the curb for pickup no earlier than the evening prior to the scheduled pick up day. Waiting until dark the day before...