Neighborhood News

Fitness Safety

Fitness Safety

Fitness Safety By Brandon Ivey Brandon is an IFA certified personal trainer and Memorial Northwest resident   Regardless if you are just beginning to work out or its part of your lifestyle, everyone should keep in mind that there are rules to stay safe at the gym....

April is Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month

By Susan DeLoatche Susan is a MNW Resident who is raising a son with autism along with two teenage girls This is what autism looks like.  This sweet boy looks neuro-typical, but suffers from autism; a developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and...

Your HOA Needs You!

The Memorial Northwest Homeowners Board of Director currently has two openings.  We are searching for two homeowners to fill these important positions. The position of 2nd Vice President position is currently unfilled.  This position is responsible for security...