Neighborhood News

Volunteer(s) Needed for Social Comittee

The social media committee has an immediate need for a volunteer to manage the children's social events. These events include our Santa event, Easter, Memorial Day and others like these. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us using the form below....


We have started the nomination process for positions expiring at the end of 2024. The open positions are 3rd VP - Deed Restrictions Treasure Secretary Area Director 1 Area Director 3 Area Director 5 Area Director 7 If you have questions about these positions the...

Community Center Update

Unfortunately, we have lost the generator at the Community Center. We were hoping we would be able to keep the CC open as a cooling center, but we now have closed the facility. I am also getting worried about the condition of the pool as the days pass. Our pool...

Vantaca News

Vantaca News

As a reminder on April 1, 2024, we'll be transitioning from Townsquare to Vantaca for our community management platform. This transition promises smoother operations and enhanced accessibility to the resources you need, right at your fingertips! On April 1, you'll...

Amenity update

Amenity update

Attention MNW Residents: In an effort to keep the common areas and amenities safe and secure, we have updated our biometric system. We ran a report and deleted PINs only for users with both fingerprints and PINs. *Note:  Everyone's fingerprints will still be valid We...

Open Board Position – Area Director 2

Open Board Position – Area Director 2

Our Area Director for Area 2 has scheduling conflicts and will not be able to continue her work as an Area Director. Per our bylaws, a person may be nominated to fill the open position until the completion of the term.  If you are interested in getting involved I...