This time of the year Fall is in the air!!!! In the Lawn Water well but less often. With shorter days and cooler nights – begin to reduce the amount of water applied as needed. Avoid watering in the evenings if possible to prevent fungal diseases. It’s time...
MNW Marlins Swim Team Photos
Looking for Ladies to play Singles!
The Ladies Monday Night Tennis Team needs a lady to play singles for our team of ladies who play on the NHTA league, Monday nights. League stars in September and the format is 1 line of singles and 4 lines of doubles. You must be out of high school and live in...
What Does it Take to Get Yard of the Month?
For over thirty years now, the Memorial Northwest Ladybugs Garden Club has been consistently judging Yard of the Month for several strong reasons. The award promotes excellent landscaping, colorful gardening, and the subdivision’s remarkable curb appeal. The...
MNW Ladybugs Garden Club – Plant Vouchers
Plant Vouchers to Plants for All Season at Hwy. 249 may still be purchased from the MNW Ladybugs Garden Club. The vouchers sell for $21.00 to purchase an 18 count flat that normally sells for $27.00 at the nursery. That is a $6.00 savings per flat! The vouchers are...
SATURDAY APRIL 2, 2016 9:00AM – 2:00PM MNW COMMUNITY CENTER PARKING LOT The Ladybugs Garden Club will be holding their annual Plant Sale. This year we will ONLY have the Plant Sale! We will be working in co-operation with Plants For All Seasons on Hwy. 249, and will...
Women’s Tennis
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Men’s Tennis
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