Community Center Status Update

Posted by Jay Jackson

Jay is the Memorial Northwest HOA President. Jay has been on the HOA board since 2016 and has served as an Area Director, 1st Vice President and currently the President.

A few residents have inquired about the timeline for reopening our MNW Clubhouse and facility.  Pursuant to GA-18 and Judge Hidalgo’s Second Amended Stay Home, Work Safe Order 1.(f), which collectively govern our facility, closure is mandated until May 20, 2020, under the current county order.  

We are planning to reopen the facility as soon as the orders allow and it is safe to do so.  We are reviewing health and safety standards so that when we reopen, we do so safely.  We are also trying to follow the state and county orders as they change.  The CCMC is developing a plan that requires consideration of social distancing, cleaning and mandated reduced occupancies. All these factors are required to be in place to open responsibly. 

Thank you for your patience during this unprecedented time.


  1. Toys Rodgers

    I feel the closure at this time is a must for everyone safety

  2. Nancy Ingram

    Will the work out facility open as well?

    • Jay Jackson

      It will reopen but there is no specific date for the gym.

  3. Eric

    I support full reopening as soon as it is legal to do.

    I also support people’s right to stay in their home for as long as they choose.

  4. Vernon Smith

    It is ridiculous that we can not play tennis, but everyday that I go into HEB, Home Depot, Lowe’s, there are over 100 people in each one of those facilities that are not under the OPEN SKY!

  5. Mindy Hinderberger

    Can you confirm that the tennis courts will open 5/20? Also – do you anticipate the pool opening this summer? I realize that you may not know this information at this time, but please share what you can.

    • Jay Jackson

      The CCMC is working on a plan to start reopening. We don’t have fixed dates yet but there should be an announcement soon. The pool is included in the plans but dates and DETAILS are NOT confirmed yet.