December 2022 Freeze Damage

Posted by Jay Jackson

Jay is the Memorial Northwest HOA President. Jay has been on the HOA board since 2016 and has served as an Area Director, 1st Vice President and currently the President.

During the freeze we have sustained a couple broken pipes on the club house property. We will start repairs on Tuesday but the the pool and tennis court bathrooms are closed until further notice.

We have made a preliminary inspection of the damage and it is not as bad as first thought. We know there is a broken pipe in the pool guard shack, this feeds the pool bathrooms. The other known damage is to the water supply for the tennis bathrooms. The repairs do not look like they will be too complicated but as additional assessments are made we will look for other damage.

We will update this message if there is anything to report.


  1. Terry Hemeyet

    Is lap pool available?

  2. James Kattner

    Couldn’t the water have been left dripping to prevent these freezeups? Water expands 4% as it turns to ice.