Memorial Northwest Board Members
Contact a Board MemberThe Memorial Northwest HOA Board is elected by the subdivision residents to conduct homeowner business and operates under the By-Laws of the Association.
There are currently 6 officer positions and 7 area directors.
The Board is all volunteer and receives no compensation of any kind for their service.
The Board is elected for two year terms. Elections are staggered so that 50% of the board stands for office each year to ensure continuity.
The Board nominates various committees that provide day to day management for the maintenance of the common area, community center and other activities.
Meetings are held monthly at the MNW Community Center with open and executive sessions. There are also three general membership annual meetings to present the budget, take nominations for Board elections and offer information and receive feedback from the homeowners.
Communication back to the residents is conducted via monthly and annual general meetings, the Monthly Newsletter, the HOA website and reader boards in the community. There is also an on-site office at the community center and telephone, email or mail contact with our management company.
Officers of the Board
Jay Jackson
Brandon Robins
1st Vice President
Gregg Williams
2nd Vice President
Chris Ballew
3rd Vice President
Jerry Reece
Bart Winkler
Area Directors
Paul Hagen
Area 1 Director
Jeff Sprankle
Area 2 Director
Virginia Smith
Area 3 Director
Craig Carter
Area 4 Director
Judith Gordon
Area 5 Director
Erik Bartlow
Area 6 Director
Michelle Rodriguez
Area 7 Director