1. In the eight game of a set you lead 4 games to 3, apply pressure on the big point(s) to win the game.
2. Then speed up the tempo of the match .
In step one , you capitalize on the pressure inherent in the moment with pressure tactics . The elements of surprise and uncertainty create pressure . So this is a good time to do something unusual . Aggression creates pressure . So this is the strategic time to show it. Which pressure tactics you use depends on your game .
Keep that increase momentum going four to five straight points.
Why? Because in less than a minute , a 4-3 set has been running neck to neck for 45 min . Can suddenly be history at 6-3. It happens before the opposition feels like they’re loosing . That’s because it happens during a letdown.
It happens so fast that the losing team invariably seems surprised by the loss of the set . They literally blink with jaw-droops that seem to say , ” How did that happen?”
Mentally , yes they had known the score , but that knowledge lacked the appropriate emotional impact so, they didn’t yet appreciate their imminent danger of losing the set. It’s like you stole it while they slept.
Try it . It works!
Good luck!
Tennis Pro
Gilberto Arcay