Les Kompelien will be presenting and taking questions regarding the upcoming Klein ISD Bond.

Les Kompelien will be presenting and taking questions regarding the upcoming Klein ISD Bond.
Save the date! !! New date !! MNW Ladybugs Spring Fling Garage & Plant Sale MNW Community Center Saturday, April 5,2025 9 AM – 3PM Cuttings from our gardens, potted plants, Plant Vouchers from Plants for All Seasons, Hwy. 249. Garage Sale, home décor items and...
We are looking for at least one more person to join the Architectural Control Committee. Please complete the form below if you are interested.
UPDATE 2/25/2025! - The pump has been repaired and the heater is back online. While the water is still on the chilly side, the pump is operational and heating the water! Our fantastic pool management team, A-Beautiful Pools, has discovered a major leak in the Lap Pool...