The Memorial Northwest Ladybugs Garden Club is offering a $1,500 scholarship to a deserving high school senior who will graduate in May/June 2025. To be eligible for the scholarship, you must be a resident of Memorial Northwest and planning to enter college, vocational school or trade school after graduation. This is open to private schools and homeschooling seniors in addition to Klein High School seniors. You may email to get an application, or, if you are a KHS student, visit the College and Career Center’s “List of Scholarships” on your school website and download the application. Deadline for all applications to be turned in is 12:00 PM noon on April 16th. We look forward to hearing from eligible students who wish to apply!
MNW Ladybugs Spring Fling – April 5, 2025
Save the date! !! New date !! MNW Ladybugs Spring Fling Garage & Plant Sale MNW Community Center Saturday, April 5,2025 9 AM – 3PM Cuttings from our gardens, potted plants, Plant Vouchers from Plants for All Seasons, Hwy. 249. Garage Sale, home décor items and...