Twenty-three years ago, my family settled in Memorial Northwest because of the location of our church, the best rated schools and being close to work. Having four kids required enough space to periodically seek refuge from the normal chaos of a thriving family. Memorial Northwest homes were built for families to thrive and prosper. We were fortunate to grow up in a safe, family friendly neighborhood where you knew your neighbors. When we settled in, we were visited by Eleanor Naremore providing us with a welcome basket and in her Texan drawl told us what we could and could not do in our HOA. I was so astounded by the politeness of her words even though I may have been rebuked for something I did or didn’t do. I don’t recall and I am grateful to have known Eleanor and her passion throughout the years.
Despite the home problems revealed in the first month, the new roof, plumbing and electrical repairs were just the beginning of our home ownership. Neglect is not an option as I was reminded of the quotes by Sir Robert Baden-Powel.
Sir Robert Baden-Powell was considered the founder of Scouting. His simple two-character traits ring true and are worth living by: “Leave this world a little better than you found it” and “We never fail when we try to do our duty, we always fail when we neglect to do it.” Today, finding selfless volunteers is challenging as criticism prevails on social platforms. This makes it hard to start doing big things.
The Facility Strategy Committee of 2010 developed the master plan we see today at the Community Center property. Volunteers like Oran Woody, Rick Harris, Tim McWilliams, Eileen Koscho, Connie Shinaver, Joe Bond and others volunteered many hours and endured some criticism before this vision became a reality. A testament to making things better than when you found them.
The completion of the aquatics center was many years later, well after my children had grown and left home. Perhaps one day my grandchildren may have the opportunity to enjoy the pool at Memorial Northwest. Melissa and I have moved back to New Orleans to be near family as my parents are up in age. Memorial Northwest is the best place to raise a family, but the home is too big for just two. We leave our neighborhood and house much better than we found it.
Our community leaders with Jay Jackson, Kelley Minor and Ryan Aduddell have many years of experience to help keep us moving forward. Our Board Members are dedicated to the mission preserving property values and enhancing the quality of life. We will periodically visit to see how life continues to be better in Memorial Northwest.
Thank you all who have volunteered to make MNW a great place to live. We are going on 34 years here and we
Still love it!
The cover email shows old management company First Residential. Confusing
Thank you, Debbie, I will check on where that address is coming from, I am sure I have changed it more than once now.
Seriously, thank you to all our volunteers. It’s because of your time and dedication to our community that we are able to live in such a wonderful neighborhood. We appreciate all you do!
I would like to thank Greg for his continued dedication over the years. I enjoyed working with him on many projects such as the community center and our gorgeous pool area.
I wish his family well!