Submitted by Kathy Dodge
The Memorial Northwest Ladybugs resume their meetings this month for the 2019-2020 calendar year. Gloria Hemeyer will lead our club as President of the garden club.
The Ladybugs’ September meeting will be held on September 25 with Tony Huffman. He will give us some tips on floral arranging techniques centering on “Fall Floral Designs”.
Judging for Yard of the Month begins this month. Please read the article, “What Does it Take to Get Yard of the Month?” for information on how your yard can win the Yard of the Month award.
We are expecting another busy and fun-filled year with the Ladybugs. Many fun and interesting programs and trips are planned for the coming months.
Our October trip is on October 16. We are touring the historic and beautifully landscaped Glenwood Cemetery located on Washington overlooking Buffalo Bayou. Developed in 1871, it was the first professionally designed cemetery in the city and served as an entertainment attraction in the 1880s. Howard Hughes, Gene Tierney and Bob McNair are some of the famous people buried there.
The Ladybugs always welcome guests and new members. We would love to meet you, if you are interested. If you would like information about joining the Ladybug Garden Club, call Membership Chairman, Kaye Neiss, at 281-253-7220 or email
Until next month,
The Ladybugs