Posted by Jay Jackson

Jay is the Memorial Northwest HOA President. Jay has been on the HOA board since 2016 and has served as an Area Director, 1st Vice President and currently the President.

Update 9/7/2017:

OK, let’s try to bring a bit of order to the confusion – at least for today.
RRRT will return to MNW tomorrow to finish the pick-up of today’s trash and recycle.
Normal recycle day is Thurs.  I realize there is one document that says Friday, but that is in error.
I will talk to RRRT tomorrow concerning getting the undelivered recycle bins taken care of.  They concentrated resources today on the trash and recycle pick-up.
Yes, their phone system has been swamped – both with customer calls (especially MNW) and calls concerning repairing their trucks that were flooded.
One thing they noted is for those of you that have ‘not easy to see’ or hidden garage doors, that you leave the household trash cans and recycle bin so that at least a portion of each is visible from the street.

Update 9/6/2017:

Developments in MNW Trash and Recycle

Recycle Bins –

RRRT underestimated the time require to distribute the new recycle bins and left about 350 homes without a new bin.  These will be distributed on Thursday morning.  Thus, some of you may need to reuse an old Republic bin if you have one or use some other receptacle that you mark ‘recycle’.   

Service Tomorrow, Thursday –

RRRT will run three trash trucks and two recycle trailers.  They use trailers pulled by pick-ups to collect recycle since it allows faster service than a regular ‘trash’ truck.  How this arrangement will work in our tight cul-de-sacs remains to be seen.  If you live in a cul-de-sac, note how well that goes.  We do not want them driving over the islands in some cul-de-sacs.

RRRT Phone Numbers –

Yes, there was a mess-up on the last two digits of their ‘local’ number.  Their ‘800’ number has always been correct, 866-516-9805.  However, their ‘local’ number, 346-248-5222, was published incorrectly in more than one document.  The incorrect number ended in 12 and not the correct 22.  Their phone system has been very busy, and even the correct number did not guarantee an answer.  One lady there commented, “We have experience significant response from Memorial Northwest”.

Republic Billing and Refunds –

I was told late this afternoon that all refunds should be processed in the 20 September billing cycle and checks sent to anyone who overpaid.  Checks should be received by 30 September.  I would re-emphasize: DO NOT pay any bills from Republic and do not bother to try to cancel your account with them.  Such efforts are fruitless.

Republic Customer Service –

I’m still waiting on word as to when Customer Service will be able to access records indicating they no longer serve MNW.  There are two Customer Service groups locate in other cities and they haven’t a clue what the real status is – they work from a script.  (However, I have notice some MNW residents have been able to get satisfactory service from them.  But frankly, don’t bother talking to them.)

Pep Talk –

Hopefully, that helps.  I think we are making progress, but there is some distance to go.


While this sounds similar to a notice circulated a few days ago, it bears repeating.  Many Homeowners received a bill Saturday, Sept. 2, from Republic for service beginning Sept. 1, 2017.  You can just ignore that bill, but if you want to go further you can call them and ‘cancel’ your service.  RRRT will assume our trash and recycle service on Sept. 7, 2017.

Beginning Sept. 1, 2017 the Memorial Northwest trash and recycle service will be provided by Residential Recycling and Refuge of Texas (RRRT). The contract with the current provider, Republic Services, was scheduled to expire on Dec. 31, 2017, and was planned for rebid this autumn. However, Republic Services chose to utilize a provision in the contract and terminate it early. Thus, a new service is required. Bids were obtained from four possible contractors, and, after a period of discussions and rebids, RRRT was chosen to begin service on Sept. 1, 2017.

Homeowners will receive quarterly bills from RRRT beginning in August via USPS in the same manner as from Republic Services; charges will be $15.49/month for trash and $2.90/month for recycle (plus appropriate sales tax on both). Do not pay any inadvertent bills received from Republic for service after Sept. 1, 2017.   Republic Services has assured the MNW HOA Board of Directors that any payments for service past August 31, 2017 will be refunded; discussions on making this as rapid as possible are ongoing with Republic.

RRRT will not be providing any trash carts. However, they will provide the standard 18-gallon recycle bins.

Trash pick will still be on Mondays and Thursdays.

There will be some changes to the service.

  • The major change will be to Garage-Door service for both household trash and recycle. Household trash is to be placed in containers or trash bags as currently done, but left at or near your garage door. Recycle is to be placed in the 18-gal. tubs provided by RRRT or a larger recycle container/cart if you have one.
  • One thing to remember: RRRT will NOT open any gates to access the trash or recycle containers. Thus, if your garage door is located behind a yard gate, please leave your household trash and recycle outside that gate. This should eliminate any problems with pets escaping.
  • Yard clippings and trimmings and other trash items are to be placed at the curb. Trimmings must be bound as usual and less than four feet in length and three inches in diameter.
  • Larger items – boxes, chairs, etc. – will be allowed on a ‘reasonable’ basis. If you have something large – such as a sofa – call the RRRT office (1-866-516-9805) and discuss such with them. There may be an extra charge for large items – particularly if a separate truck must be sent. A more complete listing of acceptable trash and recycle items and restrictions will be published on the MNW website ( soon and in the monthly news magazine. However, there will be few changes for the current system.
  • If you have physical restrictions that prevent you from putting your household trash and recycle at the garage door and/or the other items at the curb, call RRRT (1-866-516-9805) and arrange full backdoor pickup; there should be no charge.

It is unfortunate that the initial service will be delayed by the Labor Day holiday until Sept. 7, 2017. This will precipitate a rather large amount of trash on the first day of service; the forbearance of homeowners will be most appreciated as the service begins.

It is reasonable that there will be some hick-ups in the system as service begins. However, RRRT appears to be an efficient, reliable service provider. This has been a rather hard slog after being backed into a corner by Republic; again, the forbearance of homeowners will be greatly appreciated.

Finally, Republic Services will collect their recycle bins with the last pick-up on August 31, 2017. RRRT will provide new bins prior to that time.

Sincerely, Stan Thurber, 1st VP


  1. Sheldon Watsky

    My garage door is on the back side of the garage. Will the new service collect at this location or does it have to be visible from the street?

    • Jay Jackson

      I am sure this does not answer the whole question but this is what was stated in Stan’s note.

      One thing to remember: RRRT will NOT open any gates to access the trash or recycle containers. Thus, if your garage door is located behind a yard gate, please leave your household trash and recycle outside that gate. This should eliminate any problems with pets escaping.

      I will send Stan a note and ask about this. If he does not know the answer I am sure he will get it.

    • Stan Thurber

      Sheldon, Somewhat depends on the configuration of the garage, fence, yard, etc., but most likely needs to be visible from the street or they will not know to collect it….

      Sincerely, Stan

  2. Mark Thompson

    Good job negotiating garage-door service for less than we were already paying! — this will make the neighborhood look nicer on garbage days.

    We have an unlabeled green recycle bin that came with the house in 1992 — are these old green bins or brown bins (or any bins put by the street) being picked up on 8/31 by Republic?

    We look forward to hearing which of the following items may be placed in the RRRT recycle bin: glass bottles, aluminum, tin cans, plastics (which codes), plastic bags, cardboard, wax-coated milk cartons, shredded paper bits (bagged)?

    • Stan Thurber


      Republic will pick-up their recycle bins; I’m not sure about extraneous ones. Put them out and see what happens. You should now have a list of acceptable items for recycling; it was included with the bill most residents received late last week.

  3. Sonia Nunez

    Is trash day still Mon and Thursday?

    • Jay Jackson

      Yes, pickup will continue to be Monday and Thursday.

  4. Jerome Pesek

    will recycle include glass ?

    • Jay Jackson

      Yes, Glass will be included in the recycling.