Memorial Northwest News

Community Center Update

Unfortunately, we have lost the generator at the Community Center. We were hoping we would be able to keep the CC open as a cooling center, but we now have closed the facility. I am also getting worried about the condition of the pool as the days pass. Our pool...

Vantaca News

Vantaca News

As a reminder on April 1, 2024, we'll be transitioning from Townsquare to Vantaca for our community management platform. This transition promises smoother operations and enhanced accessibility to the resources you need, right at your fingertips! On April 1, you'll...

Amenity update

Amenity update

Attention MNW Residents: In an effort to keep the common areas and amenities safe and secure, we have updated our biometric system. We ran a report and deleted PINs only for users with both fingerprints and PINs. *Note:  Everyone's fingerprints will still be valid We...

Temporary Biometric Scanning Management

To streamline getting credentials set up for this please download and fill out the access request form here.  If you can please scan and email the form to  If you haven’t created an account with Inframark’s Engage site please contact Carmen Reyes to...

2024 Assessments

2024 Assessments

At the November 2023 board meeting the 2024 assessment rate was set.  The assessment rate has increased by 3.5%.  Bringing the assessment to $787 for 2024. Bills for the assessment should be ready to go in the mail and I expect you will start seeing them in the next...