April 2016 President’s Message – Greg Schindler
If you were not able to attend our last Board meeting, several homeowners expressed concerns about the Deed Restriction letters being received. We discussed how the new management company uses technology that identifies the address of the home being inspected. Well, like all new technology we know not everything goes perfect. So please accept my apologies as we work out the bugs. The good news is the errors are about 1 in 30. Not bad considering we are inspecting over 1,900 homes every month.
So when you get a letter from the management company, please feel free to contact your Area Director to assist you in clearing up your account.
Area 1 – Connie Shinaver ConnieJacoShinaver@gmail.com (281) 320-0911
Area 2 – Tim McWilliams TJMcwilliams721@aol.com (281) 376-2611
Area 3 – Open and needing a volunteer.
Area 4 – Kelley Minor MNWarea4@gmail.com (713) 582-2026
Area 5 – Bryan Thomas B.Thomas03@comcast.net (281) 370-1699
Area 6 – Ryan Adudell MNW_Area6@yahoo.com
Area 7 – Sandy Remson SandyRemson@yahoo.com (281) 257-9972
As we mentioned last month, please do not ignore the letter even if an error. Your Area Director represents you and works with the management company. The Area Director may grant an extension for those items requiring more time. The HOA consist of all volunteer homeowners and we understand what it takes to get something fixed while juggling family life. Our Area Directors do care and want to help.
Speaking of juggling life, our Area 3 Director (Linda Sandhop) and Second Vice President of Security (Lawrence McKinney) can no longer focus on their volunteer positions. If you have met Linda or Lawrence, you may think I am not qualified to help. Granted, they are a hard act to follow, but all you have to be is a homeowner who cares about our neighborhood. Quite frankly, this is the key attribute that both Linda and Lawrence demonstrated while volunteering. Please contact me if you have an interest in helping neighbors.
OMG have you visited our new website: MNWHOA.ORG? What can you say, but awesome! You can find just about anything you need to know about what is happening in our neighborhood. The Web and Social Media Committee have been working diligently to build a robust website with relevant content. You can help by visiting the website and providing your feedback. If you like to write about something of interest, please send it in. Use the CONTACT US link on the website.
Have you noticed at night when entering the neighborhood our monument lighting has been fixed. Our volunteers on the Common Area Committee have been making the rounds throughout the neighborhood trying to stay on top of the challenges caused by nature and people. You can help by removing signs taped to traffic signs, utility poles or placed in the esplanade. Use the CONTACT US link on the website to report any observations needing our attention.
Questions or comments please send them to Greg Schindler (mnw_president@comcast.net).