PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE – Your vote counts and serving even more.

Posted by Greg Schindler

Past President, Memorial Northwest Homeowners Association Assisting my neighbors in making Memorial Northwest the BEST PLACE TO LIVE in Northwest Houston!

Coming up on September 5th (Nominations) and October 3rd  (Elections) are opportunities to participate in our HOA democratic processes. This is your time to make a difference; this is an opportunity for you. All homeowners are encouraged to participate by serving on the Board or other volunteer positions available to serve Memorial Northwest. The positions up for election are President, First Vice-President (Contracts), Second Vice-President (Security), Area 2 Director, Area 4 Director and Area 6 Director. The Bylaws are online where you can read the duties and responsibilities for these positions.

At the August meeting, we will need two homeowner volunteers to participate on the Nominating Committee. The role of the nominating committee is to seek out candidates willing to serve and present candidates at the September meeting concluding this volunteer service.

Three homeowners are needed to serve on the Election Committee concluding at the October meeting. The role of this committee is to oversee the election process and certify election results. Please contact me if you are willing to serve this important role for our community.

The 2018 Board of Directors will be most likely be tasked with overseeing how we intend to renew our nearly 50 year old pool. Other ongoing challenges include preserving the single-family property restrictions as we are constantly being challenged by investors desiring to focus on business objectives over participating in a way of life.

The good news is 97% of all homeowners participate in funding the services being provided, while others we eventually get reimbursed through the equity when their home sells. Concerning deed restriction violations, over 85% of the homes are fully compliant while others we will continue to remind to please take care of the deficiencies.

The rewarding aspect of volunteering is you get to meet more neighbors than you might not otherwise meet. The joy is in knowing the volunteer hours have helped many families flourish.