MNWHOA is happy to announce the reopening of our facility on Friday, May 29, 2020

Posted by Jay Jackson

Jay is the Memorial Northwest HOA President. Jay has been on the HOA board since 2016 and has served as an Area Director, 1st Vice President and currently the President.

The Memorial Northwest Home Owners Association Board of Directors is happy to announce the reopening of our facility on Friday, May 29, 2020.  Most areas of our facility will be open.  We are opening with a few modifications.  The Pool will be limited to 25% of its designed occupancy.  Tennis, basketball court, and our walking path, will also open.

Attached you will find a Waiver and our Amended Policy.  Please look at both, as our policy has changed.  Entry to the tennis and pool areas will be gained with your biometric fingerprint. Importantly, the waiver must be signed THREE BUSINESS DAYS before you will have your fingerprint turned on at the entry point.  Waivers should be submitted via email to Kristen Wells, our office manager.  If you are unable to email the waiver, you may make an appointment.

Some of these procedures are different, but they are in place to help us maintain as safe a facility as possible.  We are adhering to State and County orders and encourage you to do the same.   The HOA has been working to safely open since State and County orders were signed.  Thanks for all your patience!

Important Waiver Information

Read the waiver document carefully and in its entirety. It must be executed by all adults desiring access to the community center and must list all minor children residing at the residence.

After downloading the waiver, please print it, complete the form and sign it. You may return by scanning the document and emailing to or use the form below and ATTACH your scanned image of the signed waiver. The waiver must be signed and submitted THREE BUSINESS DAYS before your fingerprint will be enabled for use.

If you need to make an appointment with the Community Center manager to submit your waiver please complete the form below to request an appointment.