Safety and Security Report

Posted by Ryan Aduddell

Building a team of well informed, experienced, and diverse group of people who care about this community’s safety and security is the key to outstanding outcomes. Our team will provide all the resources available and cooperation we can to whichever law enforcement department is executing our contract. We “Back the Blue” no matter which office they report to and will honor their service while working with them for continuous improvements.

Our committee includes a prior safety and security team lead, a retired homeowner’s association manager, an original resident with decades of project management experience, a data analyst, a process management expert, and a retired law enforcement officer and now law enforcement consultant. Our team is working as one unit to have collaborative solutions as the Safety and Security Committee. I am excited about what this committee brings to the community as a synergistic and diverse group. You will see immediate changes and improvements that are outlined in our 2020 initiatives over the next 12 months.

What has been happening the last 12 months in 2019? Let’s look at the numbers that truly do impact quality of life and safety.

Total Reports of Incidents Against Residents (Jan – November 2019)

As you can see from the totals for 11 months (December results are being finalized), our crime rates are extremely low. This is the total reported incidents of each category. *These incidents may not have resulted in actual crime.

Taking the highest category at 20 incidents of criminal mischief, this breaks down to 1/98 households have made a call about this in our neighborhood during 2019.

*Pew Research Center has shown that social media users are more aware of crime and this has a compounding negative effect. Negative Synergy shows that the whole is less than the sum of its parts. 250 comments on social media about the same incident skews perceptions of realty and increases fear of crime.

Patterns of Concern (Jan – November 2019)

We found areas of concern and will follow patterns to direct resources to prevent future occurrences and help direct agencies and resources to residents to help improve their quality of life. While the incidents occurring overnight are few, these types of events demand the quickest response time to prevent harm.

Our committee continues to focus the schedule of our deputies to make sure that crime is prevented when it can be, mitigated while in progress, and justice is served whenever possible. We will coordinate our schedule with surrounding neighborhoods to maximize the number of LEO’s near our neighborhood.

2020 Safety and Security Initiatives:

  • The Harris County Sheriff’s Office continues to provide, at no extra cost, additional deputy sheriffs to patrol Champion Forest Drive and Theiss Mail Route.
  • The Harris County Precinct 4 office agreed to repaint all cross walks on the highest traveled areas.
  • KISD is being asked to install bollards around school drives and cross walk waiting areas at our schools.
  • Safety & Security Summit planning with key leaders across originations will begin this month.
  • Educational information will be provided on a regular basis.
  • Objective evaluation of accurate data focused toward key performance indicators will be used to evaluate contract providers on a regular basis and reported to the board for accountability or change.
  • Enhance communication targeting safety and security concerns and expediting resolutions.

Expect to see continuous improvement and updates on a monthly basis. We live in an extremely safe and enriched community. Please make sure to show appreciation for the men and women who protect and serve us day and night.


  1. Sandra Corl

    Thanks again to Ryan Aduddell for pertinent, useful info. Great news!

    • Ryan Aduddell


      Jay Jackson, Greg Schindler, and I were able to grab a data dump of over 10,000 entries and organize the hard facts into relevant and actionable items. Now our team has added four more members with great talents and experience. Our relationship with the HCSO is tremendous! One of our deputy sheriffs proactively had 8 of our stop signs along CFD replaced yesterday because he wasn’t happy with their visibility.

      Great things are happening!

      • Hank Pearce

        Many thanks Ryan & HCSO as I’ve meant for weeks now to contact Pct. 4 about the poor reflective features & ridiculous height of several of these signs which made them difficult to see esp. at nite. I bet those are the ones he replaced.

        • Ryan Aduddell

          The SSC members are all working hard to make marked improvements quickly. The county and HCSO want to focus resources in our area because of the great relationships our board has been building.