Emergency Number – 911

Sheriff’s Office – 713-221-6000

The Harris County Sheriff’s Office in Memorial Northwest wants to hear from you! Please call to report suspicious persons, cars or events:

  • Drug Activity/Traffic
  • Graffiti
  • Burglary (Homes or Vehicles)
  • Vandalism
  • Juvenile Issues
  • Traffic Complaints
  • Animal Control
  • Vacant Houses
  • Gang Activity
  • Other…

Click Here to view a form to print and fill out and drop off at the MNWCommunity Center or personally give it to one of our Contract Deputies: Sheriff Trouble Card

MMW Homeowners Association Security Contract

As is typical with many of the Harris County neighborhoods, the MNW Homeowners Association has a contract with the Sheriff’s department to provide additional security to the subdivision. Two (2) deputies are assigned to the subdivision to provide year round coverage in our neighborhood. Additional resources can be requested if there are specific needs.

The Board receives reports and recommendations from the 2nd VP of Security whose role is to monitor the security situation in the subdivision and work with the Sheriff’s department.

Annually the Harris county Precinct Four commissioner reviews and assesses the cost of the contract and recently the contract has been inflating at about 5% per annum. This contract is reviewed by 2nd VP of Security and the Board to ensure we are getting the best coverage and service for the funds expended.

Security Committee Blog

Safety & Security Report

Safety & Security Report

March 2021 Ryan Aduddell, 2nd VP, Safety and Security This month I am glad to report that our activity statistics from January 2021 (because of the short month, stats from February have not been released) have not shown an increase in activity of concern. We did see...