This time of the year Fall is in the air!!!!
In the Lawn
Water well but less often. With shorter days and cooler nights – begin to reduce the amount of water applied as needed. Avoid watering in the evenings if possible to prevent fungal diseases. It’s time to feed your lawn to get it recovered from Summer. Watch for Chinch bug damage and brownpatch and treat it ASAP with the appropriate product. If you’re not sure what’s happening in your grass, bring in samples and pictures to the nursery, or email me at and I’ll be happy to help diagnose it for you.
In the flowerbeds
Refresh your flowerbeds and containers: It’s time for snapdragons, dianthus, mums, petunias, lobelia, crotons & more. This is my favorite time to plant flowers!!! Our Fall flowers, for the most part, will last through the Winter!!! You get so much bang for your buck this time of year!!!
In the veggie garden
- It’s time to start your Fall vegetable garden. Early September is your last chance to get tomatoes and peppers in the ground.
Cool-season vegetables such as these can be planted directly in the garden from seed or transplants.
- cauliflower
- broccoli
- brussels sprouts
- cabbage
- kale
- mustard
lettuce, and kohlrabi can be planted September through January, look for seeds or transplants to add to your garden.
Maintain watering on newly planted seeds and transplants. Do not rely on your sprinkler system!!!! Get out the hose and hand water the first 2 weeks after planting.
Hummingbirds: Migrating hummingbirds can be found at your feeders and natural nectar sources. Keeping feeders clean, filled, and in a shady area will encourage visitors