Calling all kid entrepreneurs! Do you create a craft you’d like to sell? Is there a service you’d like to offer to the community? Sign up for a table in the community center, bring your goods, and we will host a shopping day (in the cool A/C!) for the neighborhood! Teens up to age 17 are also welcome to come speak to residents about their babysitting, lawn services, power washing, or any other service they offer! Here are some marketplace ideas:
– Baked goods
– Jewelry
– Ornaments
– Keychains
– Art work
– Teens: create flyers or business cards for the service you provide! (babysitting, lawns, pet sitting, power washing, etc.)
Teens do not need to be present if they would like to drop off their advertising. We will set up a table for their brochures and marketing materials!
Sellers: We recommend you arrive between 9:15 and 9:45 to have time to set up your table. You may bring your own tablecloth and table decor. Children 10yr and under should be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Doors for shoppers will open at promptly 10 am.
MNW Shoppers: Come one, come all! Bring cash and show our community children some love and support!
** For MNW residents only. Sponsored by the MNW Social Committee **
For questions, please contact Amy Lowrey: amylowrey1973@gmail.com