Hit & Recover
By Gilberto Arcay MNW Tennis Director
Gilberto Arcay is available for private lessons at your MNW tennis courts. Contact Gilby at 281-799-5021for details.
Using small steps and a well place chair or cone can help your baseline movement become more efficient.
The “Chair or Cone Drill” will improve your game by teaching you to hit and recover when your opponent places a challenging shot into your corner.
First you will need to establish a ball feed. Have a friend feed you the ball or use a ball machine. Make sure there is enough time in between the feeds you are given to allow you to recover.
Set up a chair or cone at the center of the baseline. You will need enough time between feeds to make two sprints, one out to the ball and one back to your starting position to the left of the chair or cone.
Vary your shots between hitting a deep crosscourt drive and a high looping shot down the line. You want to elevate the ball and hit it deep so that you’ll have enough time to recover.
Good luck!