The Ladybugs Garden Club Is Looking For New Members

Posted by Kristen Wells

2021-2022 Program Schedule

The Ladybugs welcome guests or anyone interested in flowers, gardening, landscaping or soil enrichment!

Please phone or text Kaye Neiss at 281-253-7220, if you are interested in attending a program or becoming a member of the garden club.

September 22 – “The Many Faces of Basil” — A presentation by a Master Gardener from the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

October 27 – Field Trip to Arbor Gate Nursery in Tomball for “Fall Inspiration”

November 17 – “Carnivorous Plants” presented by Mike & Stephanie Howlett – owners of,  (they will bring plants to show & sell as well as present a program). This meeting includes a pot luck Thanksgiving Luncheon.

December 15 – Christmas Luncheon & Ornament Exchange at a local golf club

January 26 – Rita Joubran, owner of Old Country Olive Oil will present a program about her olive oil and have samples to share

February 23 –A floral demonstration by our own talented Barbara Maroney about “Techniques to Use in Creating Floral Designs”

March 23 – “Gardening Thru The Golden Years – Container Gardening” by Gudrun Opperman

April 13 – Bus trip to The Gardens at A&M and visit to Bush Library

May 7 – Tentative date for our annual Fund Raiser Garage Sale at MNW Community Center.  This allows us to do good works in MNW (Yard of the Month and more), donate to a number of charitable organizations and give a $1000 Scholarship to a high school senior living in MNW

May 18 – New officers Installation Luncheon at a local golf club and presentation of the scholarship

We adjourn during the months of June, July and August.