Safety and Security 2023 Summary

Safety and Security 2023 Summary

I am glad to report that, as per usual, we do not have a crime problem in our neighborhood. That is not to say there is not crime, those of us who have suffered loss or been put in danger, absolutely feel the effect of our individual experience. But, we live in a very safe and secure community because of great decisions by the majority of our residents and protective and preventive actions by all of our law enforcement agencies and the fine people who protect us through those groups. I have not posted many times about safety and security over the last three years because there has just not been much to say, I am glad for that!

Below is a visual representation of the most common issues we see in our neighborhood and we can see that the only spikes or elevated levels are in traffic violations. Over the last seven years we have not seen any notable increase in reported crimes in any category. Perhaps we are more aware of those events because of social media, but they are not more frequently reported to our law enforcement.

I also want to thank all those who have been kind and supportive over the last 8 years of my time on the board. I knew that I would serve until all positions were filled or fillable by other volunteers. No, sorry to disappoint some, we are not moving (LOL). I have seen a lot of change over the last 8 years and I believe our neighborhood has a bright future as long as we all work toward continuously improving. One of my favorite moments over the last 8 years was watching my kids climb to the top of the slide for the first time at our new community pool and play on the new lily pads and splash pad. I was so proud of our pool planning and project team. We finally did the thing that so many said we couldn’t make happen. We proved the value and the community decided to invest in the future.

If you are not getting better as a community, then you are quickly getting worse (the fall is always faster than the climb). I am sure that the leaders in our community will lead with confidence and perseverance. A title doesn’t create leaders, leaders create positive outcomes. You don’t need to have a title or be on the board to make a difference. You can lead by giving of your time, taking care of your property, working with those around you to do the same, and by not forgetting the people around you may be having their best season in life or the worst.

Good luck, God bless, and see you around the neighborhood.

Ice machine in the tennis area…

The ice machine in the tennis area is broken, again, after several repairs this year. Please plan to bring your own ice or gain some from the ice machine in the community center kitchen. It’s hot, please look after your health and stay hydrated.




We continue to have homeowners complain about unaccompanied minors in the gym who are unsafe, breaking the rules of the gym, and not correcting their actions when confronted about their unsafe behavior. NO ONE UNDER 16 IS TO BE IN THE GYM WITHOUT DIRECT SUPERVISION OF THEIR PARENT WHO IS A HOMEOWNER. 

We have now suspended access to the entire facility of more than a dozen families because of these actions. Some of the suspension have been extended for 12 months. The rules will continue to be applied equitably and expeditiously. Complaints are taken seriously and there are NO exceptions. There is video surveillance at all entrances of the community center buildings. This time of the year it could mean that the actions of your household member will cause your entire family to lose access to the facilities until the end of June. 

At this time, the behavior has been almost exclusively 6-8th grade age boys. Parents, please speak to your children about the rules. The rules are on the website, posted in the clubhouse, and filed with the county. 


Prior Post: 
Over the past three months we have had many young people access the facility without supervision, bringing others onto the facility, causing damage, disturbing residents, consuming alcohol, using illegal drugs, and creating unsafe conditions. Because of this, we continue to suspend residents who have not supervised the activity of their household members and that is happening with their codes that have been shared with their children and subsequently shared even outside of our neighborhood.

When we suspend an account, this blocks access to all members of the household to the facilities for the determined period of time. Owners are responsible for the actions of all those that they provide their code to and therefore access to the facility. Here are the rules being enforced and the demand for enforcement is coming from residents on the facility reporting the behavior and asking for action.

According to our rules filed at the county:

Fitness Center Policy:
7.4. Only Members, Grandfathered Participants, their family members and their Guest(s) over the age of sixteen (16) years and registered with the Manager may enter the Fitness Center.

Tennis Policy
6.8  Children: No children will be permitted in the court area unless they are playing tennis. Children are to be directly supervised by parents(s), legal guardians(s) or Guardian(s) at all times while on the Property.

PLEASE, make sure your household members are following these rules. We will continue suspending accounts of those who refuse to obey the rules. We have cameras, biometrics, and security to handle these situation as best as possible. I hope that people who plan to break the rules will remember that it is all on camera and enforcement will occur.

Thank you for all of those who help by setting a good example by following the rules and trying to help others follow the rules as well.  You are very much appreciated.

Link to the rules that are filed with the county:




Don’t lose access to the community center….

Over the past three months we have had many young people access the facility without supervision, bringing others onto the facility, causing damage, disturbing residents, consuming alcohol, using illegal drugs, and creating unsafe conditions. Because of this, we continue to suspend residents who have not supervised the activity of their household members. Many access codes have been shared outside of our neighborhood and we are suspending them as they have been abused.

When we suspend an account, this blocks access to all members of the household to the facilities for the determined period of time. Owners are responsible for the actions of all those that they provide their code to and therefore access to the facility. Here are the rules enforced and a demand for enforcement is growing among those responsibly using the facilities. 

According to our rules filed at the county:

Fitness Center Policy:
7.4. Only Members, Grandfathered Participants, their family members, and their Guest(s) over the age of sixteen (16) years and registered with the Manager may enter the Fitness Center.

Tennis Policy
6.8  Children: No children will be permitted in the court area unless they are playing tennis. Children are to be directly supervised by parents(s), legal guardians(s) or Guardian(s) at all times while on the Property.

PLEASE, make sure your household members are following these rules. We will continue suspending accounts of those who refuse to obey the rules. We have cameras, biometrics, and security to manage these situations as best as possible. I hope that people who plan to break the rules will remember that it is all on camera and enforcement will occur.

Thank you for all of those who help by setting a good example by following the rules and trying to help others follow the rules as well.  You are very much appreciated.

Link to the rules that are filed with the county: