
Rules of the Gym

Rules of the Gym

Rules are important in the fitness center to make gym goers feel more safe, confident and comfortable and to get the most out of your gym visit so you will keep coming back for more and have fun. You must wear correct gym attire. No jean pants and must wear close toe...

Triceps Extension

Triceps Extension

By: Brandon Ivey IFA Certified Trainer Main Muscle: Triceps 1. Grab a dumbbell and either sit on a military press bench or a utility bench that has a back support on it 2. Bring the dumbbell over your head so that the whole arm is perpendicular to the floor and next...

Exercise is Not for Weight Loss and Vanity Reasons

As a personal trainer one of the most frustrating things I deal with is the overwhelming emphasis on exercise to lose weight. When it comes to reaching a healthy weight, how you eat is much, much more important. While physical activity is useful in reducing the risk...

Fitness Safety

Fitness Safety

Fitness Safety By Brandon Ivey Brandon is an IFA certified personal trainer and Memorial Northwest resident   Regardless if you are just beginning to work out or its part of your lifestyle, everyone should keep in mind that there are rules to stay safe at the gym....