Neighborhood News
September 2018 HOA Meeting and Membership Meeting Agendas have been posted
The HOA Meeting and Membership Meeting Agendas have been posted. Please note this month's schedule is different to accommodate the Membership Meeting. Agenda for the September HOA Board Meeting Agenda for the September 2018 Membership Meeting
Payment of Trash and Recycle Bill
There are a significant number of MNW homeowners who have not paid their latest RRRTX trash and recycle collection bill. This bill covers August, September and October. As a result, on 6 September 2018, RRRTX will tag a trash can or other receptacle utilized by a...
Social and Education Committee Calendar of Events
Contact us for more information [contact-form][contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="true" /][contact-field label="Email" type="email" required="true" /][contact-field label="Website" type="url" /][contact-field...
June 2018 HOA Meeting Agenda
Please find the June 2018 HOA Meeting Agenda. The meeting is scheduled to start at 7:30PM on 6//5/2018. Agenda June 2018
April 3rd HOA Meeting Agenda
Draft Agenda has been made available for download by clicking on the link below. Agenda April 2018
March 2018 HOA Board Meeting – 7:30 PM at the Community Center
Agenda Attached Agenda March 2018
From Jack Searcy about Water and Sewage Capability
114 has a well maintained generator at each of its three plant sites (well sites) to kick in should the electrical grid go down in our area. We also have a portable generator we can move from lift station to lift station to move sewage in such an event. There should...
Update 9/7/2017: SUMMARY OF RRRT TRASH & RECYCLE STATUS OK, let's try to bring a bit of order to the confusion - at least for today. RRRT will return to MNW tomorrow to finish the pick-up of today's trash and recycle. Normal recycle day is Thurs. I realize there...
State of the Association – Measured by the Numbers
Your all-volunteer Board of Directors and committee members have been working diligently to ensure the preservation of property values and focusing on enhancing the quality of life. It is amazing how much a community changes for the better when there are a lot of...