Neighborhood News

December 2022 Freeze Damage

During the freeze we have sustained a couple broken pipes on the club house property. We will start repairs on Tuesday but the the pool and tennis court bathrooms are closed until further notice. We have made a preliminary inspection of the damage and it is not as bad...

How are deed restrictions enforced?

How are deed restrictions enforced?

From your backyard you are tired of seeing your neighbor’s property slowly deteriorating. Shingles are falling off the roof, gutters are failing, water damage apparent, rotten wood and failing paint, yet your neighbor does nothing. Even worse, why is the HOA not doing...

Santa Claus is coming to town!

Santa Claus is coming to town!

December 10th from 2-4pm @ the MNW clubhouse The Memorial Northwest Social Committee is hosting a Christmas event, a Santa CAUSE, benefitting NAM's food pantry. Bring the family out to the community center for pictures with Santa, rides, crafts, inflatables, a...

Illegal Signs

Illegal Signs

Bandit Signs TXDOT illegal signs Illegal signs on traffic signage or the right-of-way. Eleanor Naremore, a steward whereas no one has yet to achieve the highest level of volunteer care within our community. We would see Eleanor walking the neighborhood taking down...