Safety & Security Report, August 2022, Ryan Aduddell 2nd VP Safety & Security As per usual, there is very little to report that is a significant change. The commissioners court provided a new contract at renewal of only 10 months so that they could make...
Neighborhood News
Board Member Nominations for 2023
The Memorial Northwest Nomination Committee has formed for the 2023 election cycle, and Cat Persino is Chairing the effort. Many thanks to residents Ykeshia Davis, Kevins Scott, Nikki Smith, Connie Shinaver and Ryan Aduddell for volunteering their time toward...
Necessary Change in Management Companies
Chaparral Management Company, formerly SCS Management, will be replaced by FirstService Residential. The board made this decision based on Chaparral's change in business practices and key personnel that made parting ways the best course of action.FirstService...
MNW Ladies Night at The Rustic Brush
Tuesday July 26th at 7pm Ladies, join us for a fun night out at The Rustic Brush! The MNW Social Committee is excited to have you join us for a Memorial Northwest Ladies Night on Tuesday July 26th at 7pm. For those that are new to The Rustic Brush, they are a DIY...
Sign up now for MNW Kids’ Market Day! July 23rd, 10 am -12 pm at the community center!
Calling all kid entrepreneurs! Do you create a craft you'd like to sell? Is there a service you'd like to offer to the community? Sign up for a table in the community center, bring your goods, and we will host a shopping day (in the cool A/C!) for the neighborhood!...
July HOA Meeting has been rescheduled to July 12
Due to the holiday and a number of people traveling the July HOA Board Meeting has been rescheduled to July 12th.
First Memorial Northwest Coffee and Cars
Success!!!!Our first MNW Coffee & Cars was a great success. The weather was great! We had awesome beverages from Coffee - Q and donuts from Karma Kolache! Both great locally owned businesses and franchise owners. We had quite a few amazing vehicles and enthusiast...
Lady Bugs Garage Sale Saturday May 7th
Garage Sale, Designed Container GardensSale, Home-Baked Cookies SaleLadybugs’ Big, Big SaleSaturday, May 7, 20228:00 AM – 3:00 PMMNW Community Center17440 Theiss Mail Rt. Lovely container gardens with beautiful and unique plants forsale. In addition, we will have...
Memorial Northwest Leisure Pool Schedule 2022
Memorial Day Weekend May 28th-31st Saturday May 28th 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sunday May 29th 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Memorial Day Monday...