A covenant is a promise, agreement, or contract between two parties. The parties we are talking about are owner to all other owners. The term we commonly use are Deed Restrictions, but the word covenant is much more applicable. We all agree to abide by the standards of living when we sign our name.

The bottom line is for some owners’ the signature on the deed has very little meaning. This indicates no respect for themselves or others. In all my years of volunteer work for Memorial Northwest, I am amazed at the reasoning some owners try use to justify their actions or inactions regarding their property.

In September, a new management company will be engaged to help get delinquency and poorly maintained properties back on track. For the majority of us, this change will be transparent. For others, don’t be surprised when you receive a letter for neglected maintenance. The typical neglected maintenance items are cleaning roof and gutters, painting, replacing fences and landscaping. Concerning landscaping, if you follow the Memorial Northwest Ladybugs “Yard of The Month,” this provides the grading criteria for what is expected. You may not achieve the highest grade or compliment for landscaping, but failing to try is not an option.