June 2021
Ryan Aduddell, 2nd VP, Safety & Security
May security stats and what we are seeing so far in June are showing exactly what was predicted in last month’s blog from the rolling 48 month historical data:
– Vehicles that are left on the street, unlocked, or with valuables inside are being burglarized and vandalized at a higher rate than the last 9 months. It would be best to remove valuables, move the vehicles off the street, and securely lock the vehicles.
– Suspicious vehicles are being reported more often in the neighborhood, most likely because of the differing traffic patters and people visiting residents.
-Traffic stops have increased due to additional vehicles speeding and not obeying traffic signals. Please watch out for this additional hazard during these summer months. Our officers are doing their best to balance addressing this issue with other higher priority events.
Unfortunately, this activity happens around the same time each year for many reasons. Our officers are aware of these issues and are working to help mitigate the frequency and apprehend perpetrators. The quote “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” comes to mind. Remember to secure your belongings and vehicles, lock up tools and ladders that could be used for mischief, and take proper steps to prepare your property when leaving for a vacation. If you have not already, please install a recording security camera at your home to aid our officers with good information should something happen at your home or those around you.
I hope all have a happy and safe Independence Day and look forward to the events planned at the community center July 3rd!
Click here for security cameras
Click here for tips on preparing for vacation
Hello, On the 179…section of Vintage Wood Ln, a cul de sac, a suv daily parks just a short distance from the stop sign, at times 2-3 cars park in front of 17902…..looking at property line it appears that white SUV could park further away from the stop sign, it is awkward for me to come to the intersection safely to make my usual left turn onto Theisswood. Several times have come close to oncoming traffic.
If this is an unlawful parking issue, would you please contact the owners at that address to correct. Thank you.
Thank you for letting us know. Please contact the HCSO to create a ticket so this can be addressed properly. I will also let our Sheriff’s Deputies know as well.
At the corner of Vintage Creek and Champion Forrest the visibility is impaired by over hanging vegetation and the Community sign in the green space. Luckily I have dodged several collisions at this intersection.
Please contact SCS with the address of the home with the landscaping issue. You may also report the issues with Harris County PCT 4 at Jack Cagles office. I will follow up with SCS%
Is it correct that we no longer have extra security that our dues pay for?
Our contract with the county for the SO has not changed, the level of service has not changed.
No, Mrs. Wilkinson, that is not accurate. We have had the same number of deputies for quite a while now.