Outside of your home is a condenser unit that removes the heat from your home keeping you cool. Silica dust is lodging in the fins of your condenser as you read this article. When these particles lodge in your condenser fins, your air conditioner unit may stop working. By using a water hose from a reasonable distance so as not to bend any of the fins, you may dislodge these particles and clean away this silica thus improving performance. I prefer using a coil cleaner that you may buy at a local store. The coil cleaner is good for both the evaporator (usually in the attic) and condenser (unit outside). Just follow the directions. Doing this maintenance, yourself may increase the longevity of your unit.
You should also note this dust is also considered a hazard when exposed for a long time. Stay informed as this topic is covered by most all major weather stations.
Health Effects OSHA – People who inhale these very small crystalline silica particles are at increased risk of developing serious silica-related diseases, including:
Silicosis, an incurable lung disease that can lead to disability and death;
A covenant is a promise, agreement, or contract between two parties. The parties we are talking about are owner to all other owners. The term we commonly use are Deed Restrictions, but the word covenant is much more applicable. We all agree to abide by the standards of living when we sign our name.
The bottom line is for some owners’ the signature on the deed has very little meaning. This indicates no respect for themselves or others. In all my years of volunteer work for Memorial Northwest, I am amazed at the reasoning some owners try use to justify their actions or inactions regarding their property.
In September, a new management company will be engaged to help get delinquency and poorly maintained properties back on track. For the majority of us, this change will be transparent. For others, don’t be surprised when you receive a letter for neglected maintenance. The typical neglected maintenance items are cleaning roof and gutters, painting, replacing fences and landscaping. Concerning landscaping, if you follow the Memorial Northwest Ladybugs “Yard of The Month,” this provides the grading criteria for what is expected. You may not achieve the highest grade or compliment for landscaping, but failing to try is not an option.
It seems like some owners never got the memo that using COVID as an excuse for neglecting their property or responsibilities no longer is accepted. Courts have been backed backlogged and now in full swing. Judges are quickly moving through the lawsuits for property maintenance neglect. In most cases, going to trial does not happen as there is no defense based on the evidence provided to the court. These cases move quickly to summary judgement in favor of the neighbors impacted by property value loss. Not only do the owners have to make corrections to the property including legal fees and up to $200 each day may be awarded in accordance with the Texas Property Code.
The same applies for those owners who neglected to pay their assessments. These properties are quickly moving to foreclosure for the Association to recover delinquent payments. We are expecting all of the cost to recover past due assessments to be recovered when the home is sold. This will help us keep assessments down in 2024. The budget meeting discussions start in August and the budget is finalized in November.
It is a lot less expensive to start now by investing your resources in the maintenance of your property. Deferring maintenance is no longer acceptable; your neighbor’s pressure the Association to take legal action and expect us to recover all expenses of enforcement from your neglect. This is a waste of time and money on everyone’s part, yet it is up to you how we proceed. Please make an investment now in your landscaping, fences, gutters, removing junk vehicles and other required maintenance to preserve property values. Your neighbors expect this to be done now.
You don’t have to be an organic chemist to understand the process of one bad apple producing ethylene starting the decay process for the rest. The broken windows theory states that visible signs of disorder and misbehavior in an environment encourage further disorder and misbehavior.
In our neighborhood about 90% of our homes are kept to a high standard of care. These owners demonstrate pride and care deeply for our community. A few are singled-out by the prestigious “yard of the month” as voted by the Memorial Northwest Ladybugs Garden Club. Congratulations to these individuals for setting the high standards we should all strive to achieve.
On the other hand, ten percent (10%) of the homes fall well below the standard of care we expect from our neighbors. It is one thing to find one bad house and then counting to ten to find the next bad house, yet it is intersesting to see how often bad houses are bunched.
As we transition to a new Management Company in September, if there is pine straw on the roof, gutters filled breeding mosquitoes, mold and mildew on siding, dead grass or weeds, the old fence falling apart, etc. expect the letter asking nicely to address the issue at hand. All we ask is to take a moment to care by DIY or seek a professional to get the house in order. About six percent (6%) eventually comply after recieving several more letters and the required reimbursement of expenses.
Unfortunately for the four percent (4%) of the neglected properties after receiving many request by letter, we are anticipating a court ordered judgement to compel the owner to exercise the ordinary care expected of all owners. You may read about these properties in the public record Harris County District Clerk website at https://www.hcdistrictclerk.com.
If you don’t see a property you were expecting, perhaps you may help by attending a Board meeting to participate. It may be your property being devalued by the home next door.
We all care about each other, yet we are challenged to care for those who don’t care for others.
Today was a great day for the Marlin’s organization at our community center pool. The annual ritual of time trials to see if a child has the right stuff to swim like a Marlin.
It is easy to become lost in the moment and miss what is really going on at this event.
“Developing spirituality”, Ursula King writes, can be described as “creating an oasis for the soul”. It is about making a place for nurturing the deepest wellsprings of our human being. So it is as much a process of creating an internal space for learning, maturing and growing the spiritual self, as about finding spiritual places and activities in the material world. Reference
The wisdom of our community was to invest in a space where people gather providing an oasis for our children to explore. I am not talking about the building the pool as I am talking about providing a safe place for children to explore their “gift” (a natural ability or talent).
I watched a child no taller than my hip swim a little, grab the rope, swim some more and repeat until several minutes later reaching the end. I am so proud I got to witness encouragement, support and this little one overcoming the vast 25 meters of fear to the other side. Then there was the celebration and applause of congratulations or perhaps a little thank goodness he is out of the pool for the next group.
Either way, the process of growing a family is understanding each child must explore as many experiences as possible to find their gifts prior to being an adult. As a child, failing and trying again is the journey to finding one’s gift. The Marlin’s provide a place for our children to explore discipline, self-confidence, accomplishment, teamwork, social wellbeing, and most of all FUN.
Thanks to the many volunteers who help remind me of purpose.
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