Neighborhood News

Updated Pool Hours

Updated Pool Hours

Our pool hours have been updated for the Fall season and are as follows. We are now open Tuesday through Friday from 3pm-9pm through September 4th. We are also open Saturday and Sunday from 10am-9pm through November 1st, weather permitting. Outdoor temps must be 70...

Community Center Status Update

Community Center Status Update

A few residents have inquired about the timeline for reopening our MNW Clubhouse and facility.  Pursuant to GA-18 and Judge Hidalgo's Second Amended Stay Home, Work Safe Order 1.(f), which collectively govern our facility, closure is mandated until May 20, 2020,...

Safety & Security Report

Safety & Security Report

Our Safety and Security team meeting was very productive this month and is submitting a motion to the board that will enhance our security contract and schedule to provide more resources during peak hours of activity using data analysis of statistics from the last 5...

Stan Thurber

Stan Thurber

It is with great sadness to inform our community concerning the passing of Stan Thurber. Stan Thurber Stan has been a strong supporter of the MNW community for many years. The MNW HOA Board was a better organization because of Stan's participation and leadership. Stan...