September 11, 2018 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Memorial Northwest Community Center
Bob Pryor
Adult Discussion Group - What is a community? @ Memorial Northwest Community Center


One of the main tasks of our HOA is to enhance the quality of life for our residents and build a stronger community.

What is a community?

• It is a group of people,
• That care about each other,
• That have a feeling of”belonging,”
• That have a feeling of “shared togetherness,”

Toward this end, we will, as a part of the new functions of our Social and Education committee, begin Adult Discussion Groups to provide a vehicle for the residents of Memorial Northwest to get to know one another and to exchange ideas on interesting topics. Signups will be open to all Memorial Northwest adults.(18 or over). We are limited to 20 per meeting so if you wish to attend please sign up on our HOA website.

We will be unveiling other new programs involving speakers doing talks to educate our community in areas that may be beneficial,so check our website for updates.

Please be aware that these discussion group’s primary purpose will be social. They will be a way to meet other Memorial Northwest residents utilizing a discussion of a particular subject as a centerpiece. These discussion groups ARE NOT a conduit to our Board of Directors..They ARE NOT a venue to discuss any items which should be communicated to our Board of Directors through the normal channels.

The Discussion Groups will be held twice a month with the same discussion topic for the month, one on a weekday morning, one in the early evening. This will give everyone with different schedules the opportunity to attend. All meetings will be held at the Memorial Northwest Community Center in the meeting area.

Meeting Number 1


Date: Sept 11th
Time:10:00 AM to NOON


Date: Sept 20th
7:00 PM to9:00 PM

Topics for meeting 1

1) Why do people fear others that are different?
2) What do you think drives these emotions?\
3) How do we overcome these challenges?


As with any discussion group, we have a format which we agree on to participate. It provides structure and how we wish to communicate and treat each other.

The Facilitator will briefly review protocols and then we will have a 5 minute “getting to know each other session.” Please approach a person you do not know, introduce yourself and tell each other a little about yourself.

When you speak during our discussion, please do it in a respectful manner, understanding that each person has their own views and that should be respected and honored. Vulgarity, personal attacks, or any disruptive behavior is not acceptable.

1) Each meeting we will have a discussion of a designated topic. For the first round we will go around the room, with each person first having up to 5 minutes to respond with no cross-talk or interruption.

2) Once everyone who wants to speak has, then we will go into free-form conversation for the rest of the time about the subject. We ask that you please raise your hand to be acknowledged to speak. Try your best not to interrupt and exercise your listening skills.

We do request that at each meeting, everyone sign in to provide us with an accurate record of the attendance.

The facilitator in some cases will monitor the flow of discussion and occasionally ask related spin-off questions or followups to a statement.

For any questions please contact me at my email at social@mnwhoa.org

We hope to see you at some of these meetings. Our goals are always to become better neighbors, foster relationships, and develop a community of mutual support.

Bob Pryor


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