Memorial Northwest News

One bad apple spoils the entire bunch.

One bad apple spoils the entire bunch.

You don’t have to be an organic chemist to understand the process of one bad apple producing ethylene starting the decay process for the rest. The broken windows theory states that visible signs of disorder and misbehavior in an environment encourage further disorder...

Pool Opening Day

The pool opening day will be Saturday, May 27th.  The pool opening for general admission will be delayed due to the Marlin's home swim meet. It is expected to open between 2pm and 3pm and remain open until 8pm. We are excited about the opening of the pool and are...

Built for purpose

Built for purpose

Today was a great day for the Marlin’s organization at our community center pool. The annual ritual of time trials to see if a child has the right stuff to swim like a Marlin. It is easy to become lost in the moment and miss what is really going on at this event....